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Last updated
Guide: For the guide on how to stake in SuperPool, please refer to the Guide section — "How To Stake in SuperPool"
SuperPool is a single-sided staking pool created with community benefit in mind — empowering stakers to earn passive income and guaranteed IDO allocation simultaneously!
The pool distributes AVAT rewards daily on a proportional basis to all stakers. They may harvest the rewards or compound them — at any time they wish, allowing them to execute the Defi strategy according to their preference.
The pool generates iAVAT (IDO allocation ticket) to all stakers before EVERY upcoming IDO — and automatically assigns their allocation accordingly. There is no need to remove or deposit these tickets from one IDO allocation pool to another.
Good to know: The moment you stake in SuperPool, you will earn both: AVAT & IDO allocation automatically — without having to perform any separate manual operations.
Acceptable Token
AVAT (L-AVAT coming soon)
Maturity Period
14 / 30 / 45 /60 (days)
Early Unstake
not possible
AVAT — rewards daily.
iAVAT — generate before every IDO and automatically assign the allocations.
Harvest Rules
AVAT — free to harvest or compound at any time.
iAVAT — no manual operation is required.
Good to know: Once a stake has passed its maturity, there will be a 72-hour grace period, in which the staker can choose to either unstake or continue their staking through the same process as they did earlier. Should there be no action after the grace period — the contract will automatically re-stake and lock the token for 14 days.
Proportionally, depending on the amount of AVAT reward & the total AVAT staked in the SuperPool — for any particular day. The following is the formula: x/y * z = r
x = total AVAT reward in SuperPool for the day
y = total AVAT staked in SuperPool for the day
z = a staker's total AVAT in SuperPool for the day
r = the staker's AVAT reward for the day
The calculation uses tier & multiplier where the maturity periods act as tiers with their respective multipliers as follows:
14 days
30 days
45 days
1.5 iAVAT
60 days
Alice staked 20,000 AVAT and chose 30 days maturity period, while Bob had only 8,000 AVAT and chose 60 days maturity period. During the iAVAT generating event, Alice earns 20,000 iAVAT while Bob earns 16,000 iAVAT.
From the above example, we can see that Bob — who only owns 40% of AVAT compared to Alice's managed to earn iAVAT up to 80% of hers — simply by committing to a longer-maturity period!
It bridges the competition gap for IDO allocation for both parties.
Key Benefit: A Win-Win Situation
While the mechanism helps the lower-amount stakers increase their chances for a higher IDO allocation significantly, their commitment to remove AVAT from circulation temporarily also contributes significant value — to ALL AVAT holders!
SuperPool will generate iAVAT for every staker — according to their tier & multiplier — before the start of every IDO.
It will then send ALL of the iAVAT to the IDO allocation pool and assigns allocation proportionally based on the % iAVAT a staker has in the IDO allocation pool.
Project: ABG Game
IDO Allocation: $250,000
Total iAVAT Submitted: 520,000 iAVAT
Bob's iAVAT in The Pool: 6,700 iAVAT
Bob's Allocation in ABC Game IDO: 6,700 / 520,000 * $250,000 = $3,221