Wallet Setup: Avalanche

Creating the Avalanche Web Wallet

Avalanche Wallet is a simple, secure, non-custodial wallet for storing Avalanche assets. We will show you how you can set up an Avalanche web wallet through the following steps:

1) Go to https://wallet.avax.network/

2) Tap the CREATE NEW WALLET button as shown above.

3) Now tap the GENERATE KEY PHRASE button as shown above.

4) Write down your 24 words seed phrases and store them in a safe place. Never share this information with anyone and DO NOT save it as an image on your phone or PC.

5) Fill in the missing words according to the seed phrases you generated.

6) You are now ready to access your wallet.

Using the Avalanche Web Wallet

1) Getting Started

This wallet is your gateway to decentralized applications (dApps) in the Avalanche ecosystem. Here is how to use the wallet.

Once enter, you will see this page with the X, P, C letters on the top-right corner. They represent the three default chains on Avalanche’s network known as:

  • P-Chain (platform)

  • X-Chain (exchange)

  • C-Chain (contracts)

Good to know: Depending on the exchange you bought your AVAX from, you’ll need to use either the X-Chain or C-Chain address to receive them in this wallet. The same goes when you want to send them to exchange. If unsure of which to use — please refer to that exchange for details.

2) How To Send Fund

This Cross-Chain function facilitates the transfer of your AVAX between P, X or C chains. Depending on which chain your AVAX is stored; and what you want to do with it — you may need to move your AVAX to the corresponding chain before performing any further action.

For example, you can use this function to send AVAX from X-chain/P-chain to C-chain and then to Metamask to interact with dApps; or send AVAX to P-chain for staking and governance.

Good to know: You may also access your C-Chain address directly from your Metamask using the Import Account function and your C-Chain address private key — and please exercise caution when doing so.

Last updated